We build + update your startup's Financial Model

Our team helps you understand your financials, runway, future revenue, and how much you need to raise.

Financial Model Dashboard preview

The process

We work with both bootstrapped and venture-backed startups, and we've helped hundreds of companies sort their financials as they prepare to pitch investors.

Setup Phase

weeks 1 - 8

Connecting you to your dedicated account manager

Mapping your business into a financial model spreadsheet

Importing your historical data

Forecasting company growth runway and capital requirements


week 8 onwards

Sync your actual revenue and expense numbers

Adjusting your forecasts based on reality

Building new scenarios

Generating investor reports

Get a grip on your startup financials

We work with both bootstrapped and venture-backed startups, and we've helped hundreds of companies sort their financials as they prepare to pitch investors.

Stay on top of your startup runway at the end of each month

Financial Chart

Understand the growth budget that you need to spend

Guy raising money

Learn exactly how much you need to raise from your investors

Team members working together

Budget new team members and other company expenses





For pre-revenue startups looking to pitch investors, and stretch their runway



For post-revenue startups looking for predictable revenue forecasts and growth

Compare plans & features

Setup Phase (weeks 1-8)

Maintenance (week 8 onwards)

Every Quarter

Teach a founder to fish

This program is not a Software-as-a-Service that you subscribe to forever: we want you to learn, and then go back to running your business.

We want to impact as many founders as we can, and we commit to finishing the workshop the moment you are ready.

Teaching about financials

Webinaire sur la modélisation financière

Cette session interactive avec Caya est une introduction à la modélisation financière basée sur les moteurs. Vous apprendrez à identifier les principaux moteurs de votre entreprise et à les utiliser pour prendre des décisions financières éclairées.

Inscription gratuite

Driver-based planning

We approach financial models based on measurable drivers, not on vanity assumptions.
Our goal is for you to understand which KPIs will drive your startup's revenue, to make assumptions based on real-world benchmarks and to bring real-world data as soon as you have it.

Driver-based planning

Financial Modeling Explained: What is Driver-Based Planning?

This video covers everything you need to know to build the best Financial Model for your Startup.

Learn the do's and don'ts, the right and wrongs, and everything you need to know in this 15-minute in-depth presentation.

First rule of startups:
Don't run out of money!

Our financial model templates and document library will help you project your runway, and estimate how fast you can scale and deploy your budget.

Get started
Running out of money ilustration
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