We help you navigate fundraising

Monthly 1-on-1 reviews of your pitch deck and funding forecasts
billed monthly, cancel anytime
raised by our clients
new startups every month
founders using our financial model

1 Kick-off call with Caya

A kick-off call with Caya - CEO of Slidebean to discuss your business needs and how to make the most out of Slidebean.

1 Pitch Deck Review /mo.

A monthly pitch deck review session with our business analysts where we’ll review your slides and assist you on your storytelling.

1 Financial Modeling Session /mo.

A monthly financial session where we’ll work on your model, create custom formulas, sync expenses, and forecast funding needs.

Financial Model Templates + Bootcamp

Accelerate gives you access to our financial modeling templates library, and also a spot in our LIVE Financial Modeling Bootcamp.

Pitch Deck Templates +
AI Generator

Our PowerPoint designers will make your presentation stand out with top quality graphic design.

Investor Tracker CRM

Our Investor Tracker CRM is the simplest way to manage all your fundraising conversations with investors in one place.

Trusted by founders around the world

“By going with Slidebean, we were able to captivate and create a very cinematic and visually appealing pitch deck for investors”
Joshua Aviv, CEO of Sparkcharge
Joshua Aviv
“We needed to have a financial forecast to raise capital. There were errors within the formula, which led to wrong results, but solving them took too much time. Slidebean guided us and told us what made sense and what didn't"
Irene Rosich, Harvie
Irene Rosich
“Being able to work with Caya and Sandra was exciting. It’s the kind of mentorship that has a commitment to doing it the right way, that will also work in the long term. They help you understand the financial model, but also help you quit early.”
Roy Bailey - Usports
Roy Bailey

Accelerate your fundraising

Everything you need to pitch your startup to investors
We help you prepare to pitch investors: 
advice from our fundraising team in your pitch deck and revenue forecasts
billed monthly, cancel anytime
(save 35%)
Everything in Self-Service, plus...
Kick-off call with Caya, our CEO
Access to our LIVE Financial Modeling Bootcamp
Next Cohort: Oct 14th - 18th, 2024
Monthly Investor Prep with our Team:
Pitch Deck Writing Team: review slides, copy, and get assistance in your story.
1x 30min monthly session included with plan
Financial Modeling Team: custom formulas, syncing expenses, and forecasting your funding round.
1x 30min monthly session included with plan
Everything in Self-Service, plus...:

Slidebean Accelerate FAQs

Will you introduce my company to investors?

Will the Slidebean team help me design my pitch deck?

Is there a free trial period?

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