Sprints de modelado financiero
your startup's Financial Model

obtenga las respuestas que busca sobre
su capacidad financiera
tus finanzas
cuánto necesitas recaudar
tu pasarela

The process

We work with both bootstrapped and venture-backed startups,
and we've helped hundreds of companies sort their financials
as they prepare to pitch investors.

Get a grip on your startup financials

Your job as founder is to lead the company, our job is to give you
the knowledge you need to make the right financial decisions for the business.

Aprenda a mantenerse al tanto de su capacidad financiera al final de cada mes

Comprenda el presupuesto de crecimiento que necesita gastar para alcanzar sus objetivos de ingresos

Aprenda exactamente cuánto necesita recaudar de sus inversionistas

Presupueste nuevos miembros del equipo y otros gastos de la empresa


for pre-revenue startups looking to
pitch investors, and stretch their runway
Get Started
Talk to Sales

Expedited 2-week setup available
We map your business into a visual board
We customize a financial model sheet based on your business model
Access to 20+ hours of financial modeling training and documentation
We sync up to 24 months of historical expenses + revenue data from your P&L, and other sources
We help you create growth and expense forecasts
We sync your financial model from Quickbooks, Xero, or your accounting team reports
We generate a financial report based on your core metrics and performance
1x 30 minute sessions with your Account Manager, to help you plan out your next months
Up to 1x 60-minute sprints by our financial team, to build additional, custom functionality
Additional on-demand sprints available at $125/hr.
for Seed to Series A startups looking for
predictable revenue, and accelerating growth
Get Started
Talk to Sales

Expedited 2-week setup available
We map your business into a visual board
We customize a financial model sheet based on your business model
Access to 20+ hours of financial modeling training and documentation
We sync up to 24 months of historical expenses + revenue data from your P&L, and other sources
We help you create growth and expense forecasts
We sync your financial model from Quickbooks, Xero, or your accounting team reports
We generate a financial report based on your core metrics and performance
2x 30 minute sessions with your Account Manager, to help you plan out your next months
Up to 1x 60-minute sprints by our financial team, to build additional, custom functionality
Additional on-demand sprints available at $99/hr.
We help you forecast growth based on your company actual KPIs
We bring up to 10 KPIs from 2 data sources.
A 1hr strategy session with a Fractional CFO

Enseña a pescar a un fundador

Este programa no es un software como servicio al que te suscribas para siempre: queremos que aprenda y, a continuación, vuelva a dirigir su negocio.

Queremos impactar a tantos fundadores como podamos, y nos comprometemos a terminar el taller en el momento en que esté listo.

Financial Modeling Webinar

This interactive session with Caya is an introduction to driver-based financial modeling. You’ll learn how to identify the key drivers of your business, and use them to make informed financial decisions.

Enroll now
FREE Registration

Planificación basada en el conductor

Abordamos los modelos financieros basándonos en factores medibles, no en suposiciones vanidosas.
Nuestro objetivo es que entiendas qué KPI impulsarán los ingresos de su startup, que haga suposiciones basadas en puntos de referencia del mundo real y que obtenga datos del mundo real tan pronto como los tenga.
Driver based planning

Primera regla de las startups:
¡No se quede sin dinero!

Nuestras plantillas de modelos financieros y nuestra biblioteca de documentos te ayudarán a proyectar su capacidad financiera y a estimar la rapidez con la que puede escalar e implementar su presupuesto.
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