
Modèle de plan de travail

Lorsque vous créez votre modèle de plan de travail, vous devez tenir compte de deux éléments principaux : vos ressources et vos objectifs. Il est important d'inclure votre plan d'affaires afin de mieux comprendre comment vous allez suivre ces étapes pour réussir ; vos parties prenantes vous en seront reconnaissantes.
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Pitch Deck Writing and Design slides example

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A successful project won’t come together without a successful plan. If you have a project that you want to get off the ground, it's good to look at exactly what you want to achieve first, then Slidebean can help you achieve it successfully.

The most successful projects are those that are planned carefully, thoughtfully and meticulously. Here at Slidebean, we can offer you the best tools to help you organize your work plan effectively. Our template offers important and detailed stage-by-stage guidance to help motivate your team and get your project off the ground.

What is a work plan?

A work plan is a strategy for managing a project through carefully-mapped stages. A work plan can have a short or long timeframe, but most commonly the timeframe is around 12 months. There are various reasons for work plan implementation, but they mostly involve team focus, motivation, and breaking the goal down into specific, targeted phases.

Why do you need a work plan?

A work plan is crucial for getting a project implemented successfully. The best way to fulfill a work plan is to organize the plan around a specific team of people from beginning to end, utilizing their strengths and areas of expertise.

The most important part of the plan is the objective - i.e. what the project sets out to achieve. If it is a product, what does the product do and how does the product help the user to do it? If it is an experience, how will it be accessible and what does it give to the user?

The most successful projects are goal-focused. They look to the ‘why’ part of the “Why? How? What?” model. The ‘why’ is your true ethic and goal, your ‘how’ is your means of achievement and your ‘what’ is the product or experience that results from your vision. However, without an effective objective and plan, your project risks being unsuccessful.

Let's take a simple example. If, for instance, a chef has many ingredients that work well together, but he throws them haphazardly into one meal, he may end up with a workable product, but he has no guarantee how well it will work or how popular it will be. It will certainly not be a focused output and has no defined objective. But if he starts to consider a focused recipe, and plans a complete diner experience using his innate drive, passion, experience, research and understanding of his craft, he is far more likely to succeed and get return customers. Likewise, if a company wants to release a successful product, they have to first consider their ethic, how they can demonstrate this via a product and then they can plan the process from beginning to end.

The Slides:


Something eye-catching and straightforward works best. This is to grab your viewers' attention and instantly let them know what your project is about and what you plan to achieve. Try to choose an attractive image that gets your message across, and that can also inspire your team.


This is a flexible section that can show the current state of the field in which you plan to introduce your project. The Overview section is useful for giving a graphical run-down of your industry status, but this could also be used for showing any previous research or figures.


This is your chance to really go into detail about exactly what your project is, who your market is, what you foresee your growth to be and any other key tenets.


This is the meat of your project process - how you want to achieve your plan and the steps you will take to get there.


Utilizing the tables and graphs we offer, this is where you can show your team the forecast of how successful you expect your project to be. This section is also invaluable for showing, through enumeration and graphs, how your project will positively affect the market and peoples’ lives.


This is where your numbers can be translated into cash. Take some time to show how your project will turn into sales, or, if your project is academic, how it will increase the value of learning in your field.


This is a detailed section about exactly what your team needs to do – who needs to do what, how, and over what period. You can break this part down into separate sections to show the responsibilities of each team or each team member, so you can show them that they are equally valuable and worthwhile in the project’s realization. This way, each individual sees how vital they are to the joint success of your enterprise.

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