Helping founders master pitch decks & financials

Fundraising is hard. We make it easy

Pitch Deck Software

Pitch & Financial Services

raised by our clients
new startups every month
founders using our financial model

Pitching  & budgeting your business is hard

Starting and running a company is hard, and information is usually hard to come by. We’ve made it our mission to help other entrepreneurs navigate that journey, and help them scale, grow and successfully pitch investors.
Slidebean helps founders in their process of fundraising, from pitch deck creation to financial modeling. We have a dedicated platform with hundreds of pitch deck templates, and we also work directly with startups though our Agency of services.

Pitch Deck Software

Pitch & Financial Services

Get investors to fund your startup

Decks that get funding

Our clients have raised more than $400M with our decks. We know that founders who communicate their business effectively are exponentially more likely to get funded by angel investors and VC firms.

From Seed to Series B+

We work with businesses of all sizes and at different stages. From companies that are in the idea stage, to larger companies with a long track record and prior investments.

Beyond fundraising

Pitching investors is only one part of fundraising. Having a clear understanding of your financials, being able to budget your company expenses, and project future runway is equally important. We can help!

Client stories

“By going with Slidebean, we were able to captivate and create a very cinematic and visually appealing pitch deck for investors”
Joshua Aviv, CEO of Sparkcharge
Joshua Aviv
“We needed to have a financial forecast to raise capital. There were errors within the formula, which led to wrong results, but solving them took too much time. Slidebean guided us and told us what made sense and what didn't"
Irene Rosich, Harvie
Irene Rosich
“Being able to work with Caya and Sandra was exciting. It’s the kind of mentorship that has a commitment to doing it the right way, that will also work in the long term. They help you understand the financial model, but also help you quit early.”
Roy Bailey - Usports
Roy Bailey

Our Pitch Deck Software includes:

Unlimited Al Pitch Deck Software access
Kick-off call with Caya - CEO of Slidebean
Full access to our LIVE Financial Modeling Workshop
Monthly investor prep with our team - Pitch Deck Session
Monthly investor prep with our team - Financials Session

Pitch & financial modeling services:

Pitch Deck Design
Pitch Deck Writing and Design
Pitch Deck + TAM estimation
Financial Modeling - Sprint
Financial Modeling - Recurring


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Can you help me estimate my TAM?

Let’s move your company to the next stage

Pitch Deck Software

Pitch & Financial Services

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