
Research Paper Outline Template

Discover our research paper outline template, which is perfect as a starting point or to help you in creating the first drafts of your research outline format. Along the way, you can customize your template into a more formal outline that will quickly become the standard of your presentation.

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If you're drafting a research paper, you know how important forward planning is. Planning not only goes into the research itself but into multiple stages of the draft. Research papers that stand out are not just the ones which are original, thought-provoking and which contribute to the learning in your discipline, they're the ones which have been repeatedly and thoroughly prepared. At Slidebean, our research paper outline has been designed to not only showcase your research to peers but to help you structure the research itself. Completing it may additionally give you a fresh perspective on how others can view your work.

What is a research paper outline?

Our research paper outline is designed to be both shared privately or showcased in front of an audience. It works like a plan that breaks down your research into simple sequential sections, making the main features of your study stand out and appeal to others. It also maps out the broader issues you are addressing in your research through graphs, quotes, and graphics. Most importantly it is there to assist you with your work and to help enhance your research.

Why do you need a research paper outline?

At some point, you will have to showcase your research to others, and if it's not the superiors in your faculty, then it could be your peers. Our template is both flexible and adaptable to your needs as a researcher and is designed to help inspire those around you and to help you develop the work itself.

The template is divided into two main sections and several subsections, with the total amount of slides numbering 12. Many research outlines can suffer because there are too many slides to hand, and if presenting, speakers often find that time runs away with them and that they have to rush. Researchers generally recommend for there to be only a small amount of slides in a research paper presentation.

Our slides are designed from experience - we know that 'less is more' - and our template is not only designed so that your research is presented in a straightforward, clear and inspiring manner, but so that you are able to take time on each slide and present your work in the way that it deserves. You'll find ample room for your background, form, content, themes, evidence, argument and development therein.

The slides:


This is a simple slide to introduce yourself and your research title. Choose a background image that is clear, attractive and speaks for your research in an identifiable way which communicates to others what inspires you.


This is where you can give a brief outline of exactly what your research is about. The 'attention grabber' page allows you to provide some quick background information on your research, some statistics or to highlight the influential work of others. You could also give a short example of how your research builds on the work of others too.

This section contains an 'overview' subsection where you can identify up to three main issues that your research addresses, with room for further quotations. There is also a 'background information' section for you to address previous research or to explain how you came to your topic originally.


This section is the main thrust of your research. It's where you get a chance to elaborate more fully on your paper. This section guides you through three main points regarding the body of your research. You can use these to expand on the sections you introduced earlier, or you can bring in some further relevant issues.

For instance, if you are writing a research paper on a musical style, you could include some history on that style, what you have found from your fieldwork, and finally how your research supports your main argument. This section concludes with a further slide for you to sum up your main argument and one for a supporting quote from either external authorship or your own writing.


As researchers ourselves, we know that it's not always easy to plan things or to communicate ideas as smoothly as we'd like. Our template will guide you through presenting your research in a simple, coherent manner that will both assist you in your work and others in their understanding of it.

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