
Press Kit Template

A well-structured press kit template is essential if you want to succeed in your approaches to get press for your company, or if you want to include it with any press release. Remember, it's the first impression that counts. Download this FREE press kit presentation template in PDF format.

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The New York Times has one. So does BuzzFeed. And Microsoft. What, you ask? A press kit. This digital document is like a resume for a company. It tells the world what a brand stands for, what it's accomplished, and what it wants to achieve. Once the domain of print media — publications like The Washington Post use press kits to show off circulation figures and advertising rates — these documents are now used by companies in various niches: finance, food, and fitness. They contain resources for publishers and reporters. They connect bloggers with brands and marketers with multinationals. Here's how to create a killer press kit using Slidebean's easy-to-use template.

Contents of a Killer Press Kit Template:

Write the Perfect Introduction

Writing a media kit is tougher than it sounds. Businesses need to compile all the information they want to include in their kit and then decide on the best way to convey it to the press. For companies that want to secure investment with their kit, first impressions count. In fact, it takes just seven seconds to influence someone, according to research. Using press kit templates is an effective way to achieve this. Slidebean's slide deck comes preloaded with graphics that instantly capture the attention of the media. It creates impact in mere seconds, instead of minutes. The very first slide displays the company's name and a tagline — the ultimate introduction to a brand.

Display Strengths, Goals, and Objectives

A press kit slide deck is a fantastic way for a company to flaunt their strengths, goals, and objectives together in one place. If this information is presented with attention-demanding visuals, it can have even greater impact. Just 70 percent of people remember verbal information three hours after a presentation. However, 60 percent recall visual information three days afterward. Slidebean's press kit template comes with bullet points and headers, so readers remember the important stuff for much longer.
List an Achievement

Most reporters have read countless press kits. These usually follow the same format: blocks of black and white text, followed by a few key performance indicators. Startups, scaleups, and established brands need to level-up if they want to get noticed. Businesses that include a recent success story in their kit have a greater chance of their achievement being picked up by the media, which is great for brand exposure. The fifth slide in Slidebean's press kit has room to incorporate several accomplishments — such as a new contract or a company's current stock price — which will capture the interest of publishers and wow investors.

Include Statistics

Statistics back up all the facts included in a company's press kit. These might include the number of social media or RSS subscribers the company has generated, monthly page views, monthly unique visitors or demographics information. Slidebean's media kit template has space to include eye-catching statistics that could lead to an investment or drive business growth. Brands can use the template to impress readers with how well they understand their target market. "The less digging for remedial elements, complicated ideas and facts and figures, the more a reporter can focus on his or her main mission: telling a great story," says Jordan Lampe, the director of communications at e-commerce brand, Dwolla.
Include Social Media Links

A press kit serves as an introduction to a company's vision and values. It lists valuable information — the who, what, when, why, where and how — in a bite-sized format, encouraging readers to find out more about a brand. Companies who include links to their social media profiles in their press kit could boost the number of people who follow them on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, something that inevitably feeds business growth. The seventh slide in Slidebean's press kit template lets users include links to their Twitter page, Facebook account, and LinkedIn profile, as well as their blog. There's also a slide where users can list contact information like a phone number, website URL, and email address.

Sprucing up a press kit with social media links, achievements, contact information, and statistics could result in lucrative marketing and investment opportunities for businesses in almost every industry. This press kit template lets businesses introduce their company to the media without fuss and unnecessary fluff. Everything's included — graphics, headers, bullet points, etc. — and users don't need to worry about arranging slides or creating a kit from scratch.

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