
Tinder Pitch Deck Template

The deck Tinder used in the IAC Hatch Labs Incubator in 2012.

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Tinder's First Pitch Deck, Redesigned by Slidebean

10 billion matches later, Tinder has changed the way people meet around the world. It's so much more than a dating app. Tinder is a powerful tool to meet people, expand your social group, meet locals when you're traveling and find people you otherwise never would have met.

Here's the pitch deck Tinder used in the IAC Hatch Labs Incubator in 2012.

Tinder Pitch Deck Template | Free PDF & PPT Download

This Tinder template is designed to make it easier for entrepreneurs to craft an effective presentation quickly and efficiently.

The template includes sections such as "The Problem," which allows you to explain why your product or service is necessary for the current market. This section is crucial in capturing the attention of potential investors and showing them that your product or service addresses a real problem that needs to be solved.

Next, the "The Solution" section allows you to explain how you plan on solving the problem with your product or service. This section should be clear and concise, outlining the key features and benefits of your product or service.

The "Market Opportunity" section allows you to discuss potential opportunities for growth within your chosen market. This section should provide data and statistics that show the potential for growth and why now is the right time to invest in your product or service.

Finally, make sure that you end with a slide that outlines what type of investment you are looking for and how much equity you are willing to offer investors in exchange for their money or resources. It is important that this slide be clear and concise so there is no confusion about what type of deal you are offering potential investors. This slide should also list any key dates associated with closing the investment round, such as when funding documents need to be signed or when investor funds need to be delivered by.

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