How to Choose the Perfect Pitch Deck Company

Pitch Deck Company Comparison

Instagram and Pinterest have leveled up the presentation game considerably. Today, it isn’t enough to have killer business instincts, a groundbreaking idea, or uncanny skill. If you want to succeed, you must entertain your audience with a professional presentation that moves them in some way. 

No pressure, right? Your deck is only a few slides explaining your company and your idea. That’s one way to look at it.  A pitch deck is a set of slides showcasing who you are, what you are offering, and why missing out on your offer would be a huge mistake. That doesn’t sound too hard; why is everyone so intimidated? 

Well, the stakes are pretty high, and the competition is pretty fierce. When you look at it from this angle, you realize that it is not a matter of creating only a few slides; it is a matter of having only a few slides to communicate why you and your investment proposal are better than every other person and every other investment opportunity vying for the same funding.

The quality of your presentation can be the difference between your biggest dreams coming true or letting them slip out of your grasp.  When you look at it from that perspective, it becomes clear that the company you choose will play a crucial role in getting the outcome you want. 

For the team here at Slidebean, pitch deck design is serious business. That is why we have made it the core of our business. We created this post to give our readers an inside peek at what really goes into creating a winning deck. We’ll also take a look at our competition so you can see how we stack up, and why we are the top pick when the chips are down and you need a pitch deck company that can get you the win.  

Slidebean is the Investment Industry’s Pitch Deck Company of Choice. Here’s Why…

We've been on both sides of the table. Slidebean is a venture-backed company. We know the challenges and pressures startups face because we faced them ourselves not too long ago. Our firsthand experience informs our work; it is a part of who we are as a company and as individuals. 

Our journey from a startup to a successful, scalable company gave us a wealth of knowledge and an understanding of what investors seek in a pitch deck. This is what sets us apart and allows us to craft presentation decks that speak directly to the questions the investor needs to have answered.

We’ve Got the Receipts

Slidebean has helped earn our clients more than $500M in funding to date. This is a solid testament to our strength as a pitch deck company in the investment space. Our clients have used Slidebean pitch decks to secure significant Series A and B funding rounds and we continue to add notable wins to the success ledger. Choosing to partner with Slidebean puts you in a club of top startups who know what winning feels like, having met and often exceeded their funding goals. 

We’ve Got the Experience

Slidebean’s first decade in the industry has been enlightening. We have used these 10 years to hone our craft to perfection. With every new client, we glean nuggets of wisdom and a deeper understanding of what investors want to see in a pitch deck, what distracts them, and what motivates them to act. We know how to make sure investors are hanging on every carefully chosen word of your pitch deck. We also know how to step around the many potholes and sandtraps that trip up inexperienced pitch deck creators. Every pitch deck we deliver has been meticulously crafted, reviewed, and dialed in to deliver the maximum impact. 

We’ve Got a System

We have developed a winning structure and every Slidebean pitch deck starts here. The Slidebean Structure introduces our client and leads the investor through a journey from the status quo, to the grand potential of what could be if they invest. Our storytelling approach delivers a clear message that encourages investors to connect and see your vision through your eyes. 

The Slidebean Pitch Deck System:

  • Intro Section:
    • Cover Slide: A simple, impactful introduction to your company.
    • Traction Teaser: (Optional if the company has exciting traction).
  • Status Quo Section:
    • Problem: What market opportunity have you discovered?
    • Market Overview: (Optional when necessary).
  • Product Section:
    • Solution: What have you built to tackle the problem?
    • Product: How does it work, and who is it for?
    • Tech Infrastructure: (Optional when necessary).
    • Target Audience: Who is the product designed for?
    • Case Study: (Optional when available).
    • Business Model: How do you make money?
    • Roadmap: What are your future plans?
  • Market Section:
    • Traction: How much are you growing?
    • Unit Economics: What are your key financial metrics?
    • Go-to-Market: What is your marketing and sales strategy?
    • Potential Outcomes: (Optional).
    • Market Size/TAM: How big is the market?
  • Why Us Section:
    • Competitors: Who else is on tap?
    • Competitive Advantages: Why are you better?
    • Secret Sauce: What unique factor sets you apart?
    • The Team: Who is driving the business?
  • The Ask Section:
    • Financial Forecasts: What are your financial projections?
    • Ask: How much money are you raising?

The Contenders

4th and King

4th and King is a popular pitch deck agency known for its extensive industry connections and impressive levels of experience. The company has a solid reputation for delivering high-quality work that gets results and this has brought them collaborations with a number of high-profile clients. However, the demand and the upscale clientele have elevated the price tag for their work to match and the premium cost may be a stretch for a fresh startup.


Extensive Industry Connections: 

4th and King has cultivated a vast network of industry contacts, including investors, advisors, and entrepreneurs. This network can be incredibly beneficial for startups seeking to make valuable connections and gain critical insights into their industry. The agency's ability to leverage these connections can add significant value to your pitch deck, ensuring it aligns with industry standards and expectations.

Deep Experience in Crafting Pitch Decks: 

The team at 4th and King boasts a proven track record of creating successful pitch decks. Their experience spans various industries, allowing them to tailor each deck to different markets' specific needs and nuances. This expertise ensures that your pitch deck is visually appealing and strategically sound, enhancing its effectiveness in securing investments.


High Starting Costs: 

The starting cost for projects at 4th and King is $10,000, which can be prohibitive for early-stage startups with limited budgets. This high entry point can be a significant barrier, particularly for companies that are bootstrapping their operations. While the quality of their work is undeniable, the cost may outweigh the benefits for some startups, making it a less accessible option for those with financial constraints.

Slide Genius

SlideGenius is a leading presentation design agency specializing in pitch deck creation for businesses of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. The agency is a full-service creative design firm offering multiple design services including pitch deck design. While their design capabilities are comprehensive, their lack of specialization in pitch decks is worth taking into consideration..


Versatile Design Capabilities:

Slide Genius is a great all-around design agency capable of generating top-tier visuals for brochures, advertisements, social media, and pitch decks. This versatility may be valuable to businesses that need presentation materials for a wide variety of different purposes. 


Lack of Pitch Deck Expertise:

Unlike agencies like Slidebean, which focuses exclusively on pitch decks, Slide Genius offers a more one-stop-shop approach to design. This is great for getting a lot of general work categories covered all in one place, but it isn't ideal for designing a pitch deck that will get investor attention. Slide Genius may not provide the specialized insights and strategic design essential for high-stakes pitch decks aimed at elite investors. As a result, their pitch decks might miss critical elements that investors specifically look for, potentially reducing their effectiveness in securing funding.

Sketch Deck 

Sketch Deck is a full-stack creative design agency offering an array of design services from branding and brochures to landing pages and pitch decks. The agency caters to companies of all types from large enterprises to small startups and entrepreneurs. Sketch Deck is a subscription service offering several tiers of monthly design packages.


Subscription Model Offers a Dedicated Design Team:

Sketch Deck’s subscription model is ideal for companies with a wide range of design needs and a steady flow of tasks. Sketch Deck offers a collaborative team process that allows the subscriber to interact directly with the creative team on a project dashboard. For businesses with ongoing marketing campaigns, product launches, or frequent presentations, this model offers significant value and convenience.


Limited One-Time Projects:

For startups needing a single, high-quality pitch deck for a specific fundraising round, Sketch Deck’s subscription model may not be cost-effective. Committing to a subscription can result in unnecessary expenses if the primary need is a one-off project. This limitation makes Sketch Deck less appealing for startups with immediate, specific pitch deck requirements.


Canva is not a pitch deck design service in the same way as the others on this list are. Instead, Canva is a DIY design platform that gives users access to a massive collection of free tools that help you design your own pitch deck. Canva makes a generous portion of its tools available for all to use free of charge, or users can get full access to all assets for a low monthly fee. Canva’s vast template library contains many pitch deck templates.


Easy-to-Use, Self-Service Design Tools:

Canva's user-friendly interface makes it simple for anyone to create professional-looking designs. The platform offers a wide range of templates and design elements that allow users to quickly assemble a pitch deck without needing extensive design skills. This makes Canva an attractive option for startups looking to create visually appealing presentations with minimal hassle.

Affordable Option for Tight Budgets:

Canva’s pricing model is highly accessible, with many features available for free and the full collection available for less than $20 per month. This affordability makes it an excellent choice for startups that need to manage their budgets carefully. Even with a free account, users have access to a plethora of design tools that can help them produce high-quality pitch decks.


Users Will Need Design Knowledge: 

Despite Canva's ease of use, creating a truly compelling pitch deck still demands a good understanding of design principles. Without this knowledge, users might struggle to effectively communicate their message and capture investors' attention. This can be a significant limitation for startups that do not have access to professional design expertise.

No Expert Guidance :

 Canva is inherently a self-service platform, which means users won’t receive the tailored touch that a professional pitch deck designer provides. For startups seeking a customized, high-quality pitch deck, Canva may not meet all their needs. The lack of personalized guidance and consultation can be a drawback for those who need more sophisticated and strategic presentation designs.

In-Depth Comparison of Pitch Deck Companies

Pricing and Cost Structure

For startups, pricing is often a factor. When you need a pitch deck to secure funding, it is almost certain that you are going to be watching every penny. So let’s see how the top options stack up on value.


  • Offers transparent pricing with various packages designed to cater to different needs
  • The packages range from simple pitch deck design-only packages to a top-tier package that incorporates writing and designing your pitch deck with presentation strategy planning. 
  • Slidebean's pricing model makes it accessible to a wide range of startups, ensuring that both early-stage and established businesses can benefit from their services

4th and King:

  • 4th and King’s services come at a premium price 
  • The elite price does buy access to impressive connections and insiders for those who can afford it.
  • 4th and King's pricing may be too steep for early-stage startups with limited resources
  • However, their deep knowledge and experience in crafting compelling pitch decks may be worth the investment for startups seeking to make a strong impression on potential investors

Slide Genius:

  • Provides a range of pricing options depending on the complexity and scope of the project
  • Their pricing model offers flexibility, but startups may find it challenging to determine the most suitable option
  • While Slide Genius offers pitch deck design services, their lack of specialization in this area may impact the value that startups receive for their investment

Sketch Deck:

  • Utilizes a subscription-based pricing model
  • This model can be beneficial for ongoing design needs, as it allows startups to access Sketch Deck's services on a regular basis
  • However, for one-time projects, the subscription model may not be as cost-effective compared to other companies that offer project-based pricing


  • Extremely affordable, with many free features
  • Canva's self-service nature gives startups the freedom to create their own pitch decks without relying on external help
  • This approach can save costs, but it requires startups to invest time and effort into learning the platform and applying design principles effectively

Specialization and Expertise

Creating pitch decks that will wow investors and get them to open up the vault to fund your project takes more than a generic design template. Top investors review hundreds of proposals. To obtain funding yours has to stand out and hit perfectly. Expert advice is often the make-or-break factor in a pitch deck that succeeds or falls flat. 

  • Slidebean: 

Slidebean is a leading provider of pitch deck design services. Our designers have created pitch decks for over 30,000 startups to date. It is fair to say we know a thing or two about designing pitch decks that get results. We have an insider-level knowledge of investor expectations and we help our clients weave the perfect narrative that hits all the right notes with high-dollar funders. Slidebean has a proven track record of success, with many of our clients having gone on to raise millions in funding.

  • 4th and King: 

4th and King has an impressive reputation and a client list that features many well-known names. Their team of experienced designers and advisors have worked with some of the world's top startups. 4th and King services are more expensive than some other providers, but they may be worth the investment for startups with a substantial budget and high expectations.

  • Slide Genius: 

Slide Genius is a versatile presentation design company that also offers pitch deck design services. They have a team of experienced designers who can create visually appealing and engaging pitch decks. However, Slide Genius does not have the same level of focused expertise in pitch decks as Slidebean. As a result, their pitch decks may not be as effective at persuading potential investors.

  • Sketch Deck: 

Sketch Deck is a full-service design company offering continuous support. They offer a team of designers who can work with you to create and refine your pitch deck over time. This can be a helpful option for startups that need ongoing support with their pitch deck. However, Sketch Deck may not have the specialized focus needed for crafting compelling pitch decks.

  • Canva: 

Canva is a popular online platform where users can create their own designs. Canva offers a library of templates and tools that can be used to create a pitch deck. However, Canva is not a substitute for professional pitch deck design services. Without professional guidance, it can be difficult to create a high-impact pitch deck using Canva.

Customization and Personalization

The level of customization and personalization offered by each company can significantly impact the effectiveness of your pitch deck:

  • Slidebean: Slidebean offers highly customized pitch decks that are tailored to your specific business needs and investor expectations. The process involves in-depth consultations with their team of experts, who take the time to understand your company’s unique strengths, potential, and competitive landscape. They then leverage this knowledge to create a pitch deck that is designed to resonate with investors and increase your chances of securing funding.
  • 4th and King: 

4th and King provides highly personalized services, including one-on-one consultations, custom design, and tailored content. However, their services come at a premium price, which may not be feasible for all startups.

  • Slide Genius: 

Slide Genius offers general presentation services with some customization options. While their services may be suitable for some startups, they may not provide the level of personalization needed for high-stakes investor pitches.

  • Sketch Deck:

Sketch Deck operates on a subscription model, with different levels of design input at different levels. The lower tier may be largely template-based, while the higher tiers offer personalized design assistance. This model may not deliver the in-depth personalization needed for a stand-out pitch deck.

  • Canva:

Provides a self-service platform that is largely based on templates and clip art with limited opportunity for true design customization.  Startups using Canva need to invest time in learning how to effectively use the platform’s tools to create a personalized pitch deck. However, Canva’s limited customization options may make it challenging to create a pitch deck that stands out and truly reflects a startup’s unique value proposition.

Take a Look at What We’ve Accomplished

We believe that Slidebean is your best choice for a stunning pitch book design that pulls in all the funding you need to bring your business dreams to life. But, we are admittedly partial to our team. That’s why we are backing up our beliefs with our clients’ success. Check out these case studies to learn how we helped these innovators get funded. 

Case Study: Slidebean Helps SparkCharge Power the Nation

Sparkcharge addresses the problem of slow and limited access to EV charging with the world's first mobile, intelligent on-demand EV charging network. Their core technologies include the Currently app for requesting charges and the Roadie portable charging device. This innovative solution allows EV owners to charge their vehicles anywhere, delivering 50 to 100 miles of range per hour without grid connection. But, before they could bring their EV network to life, they needed to secure funding. SparkCharge founders enlisted the help of Slidebean to help design a winning pitch deck that would win over investors and earn them the startup capital they needed.  

Slidebean helped SparkCharge create a clean, professional pitch deck that was easy to navigate and packed with strong visuals to help potential investors understand the brand’s story in a matter of minutes. The pitch deck was a hit and played a significant role in helping SparkCharge secure $7 million in investor funding and partnerships, allowing them to bring networked power to major US cities throughout the nation. 

Case Study: Slidebean helped Boozed Beverages Access Houston’s ION Accelerator

Damyanna Cooke, founder of Boozed Beverages, faced the challenging landscape of securing venture capital in Houston's underdeveloped tech and startup scene. Recognizing the pivotal role of a compelling pitch, she turned to Slidebean for assistance. With Slidebean's expertise, Boozed Beverages crafted a standout pitch deck that secured their entry into the prestigious Houston ION Accelerator program. This program not only provided vital funding opportunities but also connected Cooke with key industry players, propelling her startup's visibility and credibility.

Boozed Beverages set out to disrupt cocktail service using AI and advanced drink-dispensing machines, offering over 1000 drink options and improving inventory management for event planners. The team at Slidebean transformed Cooke's comprehensive business plan into a polished, investor-ready pitch deck, helping Boozed Beverages become the big winner of Houston’s ION Accelerator demo day, earning them the grand prize and invaluable office space at the Houston Ion. Cooke credits Slidebean’s contributions for their success, emphasizing the importance of a professional pitch deck in achieving early-stage milestones and positioning the startup for future crowdfunding and development efforts.

Slidebean is Ready Whenever You Are!

Choosing the right company to design your investor pitch deck is a make-or-break decision that can significantly impact your startup's future. While there are several options available, Slidebean stands out as the top choice for startups serious about securing funding. With our deep expertise in crafting investor-ready pitch decks, proven track record of success, and commitment to personalization, we offer unparalleled value to entrepreneurs at every stage. When the stakes are high, and your dreams are on the line, partner with Slidebean to create a pitch deck that brings your business idea to vivid life and compels potential investors to act.

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