8 Pitch Deck interesting facts

Image contains hands of person on a computer looking some pitch deck interesting facts

Why not review some facts about what frequently gives us such a hard time to put together? Let us share a few interesting facts about pitch decks to take your mind off those excruciating financial and business model slides. 

1. Why Are Pitch Decks Called That?

Pitch decks get their name from the union of two concepts: the acetate decks - those big old projectors used back in the day- plus the verb “to pitch” which is used to describe delivering a business presentation. As “pitching” and using a “slide deck” come hand in hand, the words, too, were put together to come up with a much slicker and brief reference of business presentations. 

2. Pitch Deck Creation Time Vs. Viewing Time Ratio

Pitch decks tend to take entrepreneurs dozens of hours and days in a row to put together; facing graphs, variables, pulling company data, thinking of narrative, imagery, and business strategy... Investors, on the other hand, the main audience for pitch decks, only spend less than 4 minutes viewing a full deck. Slidebean has a very cool feature which lets you know how your pitch deck is performing and you can check it out!.

Another related fact? This is still an industry-wide requirement that speaks loudly of business founders and presenters’ capabilities, visions and more. 

3. You Better Not Lie!

One of the main reasons why bluffing or simply overcoating information - or lying - is not very advisable for pitch decks, is knowing that, if the business actually thrives, the deck might never be able to escape the public eye of internet databases. So, think twice before adding misleading or false information and data!

4. Think Twice About Not Adding a Financial Data Slide

Not a very fun fact, but “only 58 percent of successful decks” have a financials slide, yet this is the slide investors view first and most!

Image contains a person talking in front of an audience

5. Don't Underestimate the Simplicity of Words

Uber chose every day, almost school-like presentation keywords and jargon that allowed their pitch deck to present a no-nonsense solution so simple, it was undeniable to see how much their value proposition was worth funding. 

Sometimes going back to basics is plain profitable. Check out Uber’s pitch deck.

6. Personal Anecdotes Take the Lead in Storytelling 

A personal anecdote is often the most engaging way to begin a business presentation. Apple, for instance, goes even further with well-crafted videos that neatly show just how much their company has grown across the globe. 

Unfortunately, however, narrative or storytelling is the least used resource in this context.

Read more about storytelling in your pitch decks.

7. Colors Do Matter for Pitch Decks

Consistency in colors matters for pitch decks so greatly, and it is such an often neglected area! Typically focused in terms of branding, the effect of color consistency through pitch decks weighs a lot more on audiences than one tends to acknowledge. You may be interested in checking out some additional tips about colors and overall design.

8. Most Famous Quotes...  To Avoid!

Most lookups online for famous quotes for pitch decks will return phrases that you should avoid. It’s a customary notion that googled phrases will enhance your presentation, but, depending on your choice, it could end up having the opposite effect. Take this one from Alan Greenspan, for instance:  “I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”  Truly... Do you believe any investor will have the peace of mind to follow up on a business presentation after such a tongue-twister?

Bonus: How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors (video)

Any other fact you would like to share? Let us know! We’re on all social media as Slidebean :) And, as always, if you need any guidance with your pitch deck, we’re here to help.

Create a Pitch Deck

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