Pitch.com review: what makes a good pitch deck tool

Image contains a person using a laptop looking for a pitch.com review

There are tons of aspects to consider if we try to define what makes a good pitch deck tool. From features to possibilities, every presentation platform means a specific combination of quality and usefulness in content and design. To help your choice as to which pitch deck tool to use, we’re facing Slidebean vs. Pitch.com in this article. And we’ll start by tackling the question of what the best pitch deck tool should do. 

What makes a good pitch deck tool?

Of course, as a pitch deck tool’s main goal is to create a successful pitch deck, the standards should be measured regarding that critical aspect. 

Consider what should be in a pitch presentation and rely on the tool that helps you achieve a stunning presentation in that sense. What’s essential for a pitch deck tool is that it can successfully lead to a product that raises funds in a pitch meeting. Go for the one that gives you the best chance at that.

Image contains a laptop displaying an infographic template

Elements of a great pitch deck design

To list a few considerations, consider how you’ll need to use graphs, charts, images, and even demo videos to complement your slides’ text boxes. A great pitch deck tool will make it easy for you to navigate the different formats as you integrate these beautifully into your pitch deck slides. 

Also, consider the design aspect of putting a presentation together. The more flexibility you have to reach the image quality your slides deserve, the better the pitch deck tool can help your different startup goals. 

Extra features that allow for team collaboration, slide sharing, and remote presentation are also quite useful. We rely on this material to move our company projects forward. Never forget analytics or at least a tracking view of what happens with your deck as you socialize it to reach your business goals.

Slidebean vs. Pitch.com analysis

We’ll move forward with a comparison of Slidebean vs. Pitch.com. And we do so to clarify great pitch deck tool use and the different aspects to consider when deciding which pitch deck tool to use. We hope it explains what vital elements of a pitch deck tool to weigh as we try to work with the best pitch deck tool. 


Pitch decks are tried and true tools to raise funds for startups and that’s what we’re experts on. In 2020 alone, companies have been able to raise $50M with decks built with Slidebean.

2020 is the perfect year to be using apps that make the best possible use of AI for agility and productivity. And Slidebean’s artificial intelligence integration makes slide design in a matter of seconds. Created to rearrange your slide order optimally or position individual elements perfectly within a slide, the tool can bring exciting parts front and center with the magic of a click. 

Every time a user clicks on Slidebean’s AI arrangement feature, the system evaluates thousands of slide designs. It does so to find the perfect one in less than 0.97 seconds. A click makes the tool generate a more coherent slide design with endless options. And, if you don’t like the result, you can keep clicking until something comes up that you absolutely adore. This means never-ending possibilities!

Yet, you shouldn’t have to hear this from us. Here’s Zapier’s review of our software, as well. As they suggest, “If you want a beautiful presentation but don’t have an eye for design, or you just want to skip the tedium of formatting slides, Slidebean is for you.”

Part of Slidebean’s highlights has to do with our color palette generator, for example. This feature detests your best color options for branding or simple comfort to your viewers’ eyes right out of a URL. And we take retina-sized screens into account at all times. If you’re looking for taste in graphic animations, Slidebean’s the right place.

Image contains a laptop displaying an apple template

Another vital feature for a pitch deck tool is your deck’s storage and accessibility. With Slidebean, everything sits on a reliable cloud. Access presentations virtually anywhere on a Mac or iPad and have synchronized work in its latest version at your hand’s reach at all times. Yet, you can also count on offline availability with downloaded PDFs if the need arises. 

Either way, Slidebean’s Live Mode gives remote slide control, too. That’s how you can ascertain running a presentation from a mobile device any time it’s convenient. 

On the other hand, and perhaps the strongest point in using it, Slidebean offers a significant amount of pre-filled presentation templates. The offer goes from master’s thesis defense templates to comparative market analysis for real estate agents and home-owners. They put together, revamped, and improved a wide range of templates to ease anyone’s day. 

As the slides come, they give clear guidance on what to include in a particular kind of presentation. For startup entrepreneurs, the company’s expertise and multiple template offer certainly help the most successful business pitches of all time. The decks are ready to be edited for a perfect final pitch deck slide content and design

As Zapier defines, Slidebean is “[...] an effective way to make professional presentations quicker than you could in most other presentation apps.” When timing is everything for a growing business, the speed to create stunning business presentations can mean a lot. 


Branded as “The new face of presentations,” this tool has been in reliable beta mode for more than a year, and it’s purposely built with teams in mind. Whether working simultaneously or at their own time, Pitch is made to “boost productivity without sacrificing creativity.” 

Face-to-face video meetings must be one of this app’s most attractive features. Working on video integration, teams can have live discussions and brainstorming sessions right within the app without screen sharing. 

Image contains a laptop displaying a market analysis

There’s also a workflow addition that lets team members take ownership of specific slides and signal status or completion of the work done - from the tool itself. 

As for a template library, Pitch uses a big one. And they’ve also incorporated Google Sheets and Google Analytics integrations. Yet, the company is still getting customer feedback on what works best in this sense. 

With more than $50 million raised from even the founders of Instagram, this app’s primary goal is to become “the Instagram of presentations.Something Slidebean had already coined in 2014, by the way ;) Stay tuned for more on their end of the table.

Yet never forget about being serviced right

We left it out of the above. But of course, Slidebean is powered by excellent customer support, as well. To reach us, we can connect online, over the phone, if need be, or even via our tutorials on our recently awarded YouTube channel. We hope this information has been of help. As always, let us know if we can help in any other way.

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