How to write a business pitch: 5 tips

How to write a business pitch - image contains a laptop and a mobile on top of a desk

We usually cover a lot of news and data on how to write a business pitch. Yet, there’s always tons more to learn before an excellent business presentation can be at the top of its game. So we made room for more! 

We’ll give you a recap of pitch deck needs over 5 tips on how to write a business pitch. We hope these will take your pitch deck abilities to the next level. Let’s start with some pointers on education.

1. Be well-informed

Knowing how to write a business pitch very well starts by genuinely learning all about excelling at pitch decks

For a startup to raise some funding, these are all well-absorbed areas. It’s just part of what constitutes pitch deck knowledge for any founder or entrepreneur. 

If the above seem like a lot, for now, know this is also something achieved over time. It’s part of a business path and less of a two-day homework. Especially use all of these to develop your own style, the personal interpretation and set of preferences you’ll give your pitching style. Build on your expertise as you study all of this. It’s not something to solve lightly nor overnight. 

2. Study your pitch deck structure

Look for a flow to your narrative as much as the content and design that you give your slides. Everything should have smooth transitions that give your presentation a unique continuum whereby the audience can feel like everything you shared just made sense. 

Remember, you possess full control, or at least you should, over what you put up on those slides and what you speak to say. Work on a script. It might sound ridiculous, but putting your thoughts on paper will help in many ways. 

First, it’ll start by giving you precise words to follow as you try to give investors the best impression of your company. If you’re in an academic setting, a script will provide confidence and cohesion in a way that will impress professors or teachers, also. 

Then, putting the words on paper will help you look at them differently. That means being able to polish how you order them, what you keep, and leave out. And third, it will help you work on a narrative structure in a much more detailed way. 

Look for a climax, a rising action, a great punch, a compelling opening… All of that happens best from a written work kind of commitment. It will moreover help you tell a story, rather than think about giving a presentation. 

3. Make sure you serve your audience

For as much as we hate to say it, pitch deck presentations aren’t all about you. We might quickly feel like the stars to a pitch deck story. Yet, conceived correctly, pitches are about everything else but the presenter delivering it. Of course, someone speaking on their own feels special. Being in the spotlight is a clear indication of personal importance. However, don’t let yourself be fooled by that feeling or sense. 

A pitch deck is about your audience. It’s about getting investors to believe in your idea, project, and company to the point they’ll trust you with their business funds. 

If you look at this correctly, this is all about those listening to you. And that starts not only by getting to know your audience but also by tending to it. Give viewers what they want to hear most. 

Check the data investors need. Listen to their focus. Also, dig up their backgrounds and business interests. Tailor your pitch to their likes. And feed upon their dislikes, including the facts and metrics they require. This is all about them and what they need to know and want to hear. Make sure you do extensive research on the people you’re trying to attract. 

4. Narrow it down to a concise message

Your script should help with this one, too. Yet, one great tip on how to write a business pitch is to go back and declutter from any excessive and bulky material. Especially after you put your presentation together, give it some time, and let it rest. Then, go back and take out anything repetitive without supporting vital information. 

Remove unnecessary details. Go back to basics with your information. Make sure you only include data that are absolutely crucial to the point you’re trying to make. 

Take a look at your charts and images. Ensure those are presented in the most suitable format. Sometimes we choose bullet points when those may not be the best resource for specific data. The same applies to bar graphs over pie charts. Timelines can be really helpful, also. And we need to ascertain where each goes to the most fruitful presentation. 

Remove excessive text so you can use larger fonts, for instance. Balance a perfect mix between what you’ll say and what shows on your screen. Try not to repeat what’s already visible. Build upon it to the best use of your overall resources. Cut back on anything you plan on saying that’s already present in other parts of your speech or on your slides. 

Filter, basically, and make every effort to be as concise as you can with the data you present. 

5. Be generous with your design

Don’t scathe how much effort, time, resources, and overall care you put in your slides’ design. A compelling presentation isn’t only top-notch in terms of content quality but also appealing to the eye. It furthermore incorporates your company branding in a way that creates a viewer’s experience. 

Hire Consulting and Design Services for a professional appeal to your slides. You can do so per slide or per full deck. There’s nothing like an experienced company with a team of perfect designers and design professionals to perfect your deck. You can take part in the process, give your feedback over revisions, and tweak what comes as a result in a way that leaves you satisfied. 

Templates are a great way to ensure a great appearance and design. Our AI feature, moreover, customizes decks in seconds to provide exceptional quality. Spend some quality time designing, moving lines, text, bars, graphs, images, and videos around until they look perfect! Take it out for a spin by asking for feedback. Automated colors based on your logo, for instance, as well as font choices, image resolution, and video quality, these all matter! And very much so. 

If you can’t get it to look beyond right, contact us and let us know!

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