How to Scale Your Startup Team

A team at a meeting at an office

How to scale your team

At some point or another, every successful company needs to figure out its unique pace to scaling. And part of that is determining how to scale a startup team. It’s as personal to a company as hygiene can be for people, to put it one way. Without a one-size-fits-all alternative, there are specific strategies on how to scale a startup team that we’d love to share with you now to help out. 

Focus on solutions

Before we start, know it’ll be best to focus on finding solutions for this upcoming process. Set clear goals and have a vision of where you’d like to go. Then, let those guide you. 

Far from being an immovable mark of a mindset, let this be a process through which you make a series of significant decisions, always hoping to arrive at the best possible solutions. 

Is it time to scale yet?

One of the most vital of all questions around startup growth is being at the ideal point to start focusing on that. Jumping on this ahead of time is also one the most common mistakes new business owners make. 

To determine whether it’s time for a business to start focusing on scaling, figure out if you already have the ideal product-market fit, for instance. Ideally, your target audience should be fully mapped out as much as the suitable means for the ultimate return on investment. Know expenses will need to be faced with what’s hopefully enough funding to see you through this upcoming stage. 

Overall, make sure you’re at the point where you can worry about managing and scaling a remote team. We’ll leave you in the hands of CEO, Caya, to better answer that over a quick 1 min video. 

Make sure your team is on the same page.

Getting a company to scale is a communal effort. For that, having a team entirely on board makes a crucial difference. But, what makes a successful startup team?

Before pretending to scale a startup team, ensure the precise people whose work lives you’ll impact comprehend and relate to your new goal. Moreover, make sure they stand by it in the most essential of terms. 

Get your existing team to buy into your vision, so to speak. And you can do so as much as anyone inhabiting Google’s headquarters or Facebook’s can see eye to eye into that type of company scaling, to mention a simple and relatable example. 

Design your communal mind frame.

Labeled as design thinking, there are tons to learn to achieve this kind of corporate mindset in unison. Create your team morale, figure out what your overall philosophy is going to be for this process. And then share it to implement and make it come alive within your startup walls or online chatter. 

This might take a while to achieve, too. Especially if you seek to work out of a considerable range of accountability in your teams. Leave some room for gentle pacing and patience as your intangible needs set around your office, whether that be virtual or physical. 

Now that we touch upon timeframes, here are a few vital lines on that for you, as well.

Slow down to scale fast

Go at growth very slow, if it need be. Scaling is not a matter of doing and repeatedly improving, adding up costs and people to new processes. On the contrary, take your time to do this right.  Pause where needed. 

Need data that still needs to come up before drawing conclusions, for example? Give those processes their required time. Don’t rush into accelerated growth. 

Ensure valuable internal and external measures, instead. And, if those take up a bit more time on the clock than expected, work to fit them as they need be. Just take it slow if you have to; there’s absolutely no shame (and tons of pride to take) in that!

Remove, as well. Don’t just add.

In scaling, not everything is mere addition. It’s not a question of adding more and more, whether that’s features, people, expenses, processes… Sometimes, startup growth is also a matter of revision and removing the extras that no longer serve us. Analyze strategies, get rid of added weight that might have been fruitful to start but will no longer help with rapid or accelerated growth. 

Your team’s insight can be precious at this point, too. Anyone in the office can tell you what processes no longer serve their duties. If you started micromanaging every move, for instance, it might be time to trust your team with some tasks and remove reporting on some sense. That might free up the necessary time to work on other kinds of improvement, for instance. 

Be especially suspicious of time-demanding processes. If something, in particular, is taking loads of hours to complete, go back and check that. See if you can cut back on expenses or time spent on specific tasks, etc. 

Do things that don’t scale.

As Caya mentions in the video that we linked earlier, sometimes growth depends on a stage where we’re not scaling per se. Tied to strategic delegation, speak to customers, and come out with demos, for example. Do all the research needed to mount your full expertise. And get efficient and strategic methods to do better. 

Centralize most processes as much as possible.

Also, consider using technology to automate processes and scale your startup. This is where customer relationship management (CRM) and other tools come into place. With Recurring, for example, you can access what we term a one-stop-shop that deals with all of a startup’s subscription needs. 

The above means being able to view, control and manage a company’s internal processes to enhance new spare time for more demanding tasks. Get insatiable suggestions on the latest tools to simplify your current duties. This tool can minimize costs through insightful, smart recommendations. 

Our platform’s been designed by a proven winning startup; namely, our own. Fed off of common app usage, though, it can cut down on business unnecessary expenses and optimize actual spending. 

Reconcile costs, expenses and do so much more through Recurring! The peers at accounting, at minimum, can be highly grateful for automated billing processes with this app, for example. Give it a try now! 
If this is not your cup of tea, here’s a bit of a discount on a ClickUp membership to help, as well.

Try Recurring

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