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You can estimate ad revenue based on three main sources:
- Programmatic Ads: based on CPM or CPC from platforms similar to Google AdSense, or Outbrain.
- Video Ads: assuming you generate CPM-based revenue from your video views.
- Newsletter Sponsorships: based on the amount of subscribers in your newsletter, and the average open rate.
On the Affiliate Revenue revenue line, you can estimate that a given percentage of your Website Visitors or your Video Viewers makes a purchase from one of your affiliate partners.
Assuming that your website has a premium content subscription, you'll be able to estimate subscription revenue.
Using a conversion rate from website to subscriber, you can calculate an MRR (subscription revenue).
Color-coded sheets that cover the basic expense and revenue categories for any financial model.
Estimate equity and convertible note rounds of funding, from Pre-Seed to Series C.
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