A pitch website can be an excellent idea for any entrepreneur or business that needs to engage online web browsers, turn them into visitors and convert them into new clients.
For an ideal pitch website to work, the site needs to be well done. And we don’t mean correctness for the sake of it. We’re talking about efficient pitch website design that can convert effectively… and Slidebean knows about efficient pitches!
To help the trial and error stage of putting a pitch website together, we outline a few initial steps in this process over this article. Stay with us!
Reduce the amount of stress to this project by focusing on a one-page website. As you do so, make sure you use that to sell your business to any new landings on your page.
You’ll need to fit our company goals, the audience’s needs, and your overall business opportunities into this single place, and that’s challenging enough. Start by working on this to expand your horizons or website offer once your crucial landing page is all set and done.
The plus of this format is that it allows you to focus on mobile compatibility in considerable ways. This one-page endeavor should let you expose as much information possible to new visitors while also setting a call to action for them in regards to your business offer.
Another advantage to this format is that you get to focus devotedly to a single material instead of spending a much bigger budget on a numerous page website that speaks of business in bulk.
Customize your single page, make it flawless, and so much better every time! Your web copy should enhance the experience of customers looking for what they need in a much quicker place than five sites semi-filled with what anyone can fit into them.
Speaking of customer needs, make that your focus. Writing website copy can be tricky sometimes. There’s tons of science out there as to how this needs to happen. And, at the end of the day, we need to suit those people we’re seeking to attract.
So make sure you turn your focus on your truth around to the kind of web copy that draws your customers to your product offer. Make it about them, the solution you’re providing to their problems, and how they can best engage with your company offer.
In a few words, give customers the information *they* need. You want and need them to buy from you, right? So tailor your text to suit their needs. Fundamentally, stress why coming to you solves their potential problem.
To do the above right, you can’t be working off speculation. Do robust work on your customer base data, instead. To do so, outline your potential buyers’ lifestyles. Consider the way they think and how they behave. You’re looking to know them like the palm of your hand.
Here, we should take into account that you’re deciding to work for them to the maximum as you seek profitability. And a healthy way to start that relationship is for you to honestly know as much about them as is virtually possible.
Could you use some help with this market research? If so, take a look at our market analysis template to give you a hand. This pre-filled template contemplates market trends, the competitive landscape, and critical success factors, amongst other data.
What strategies are you using to get customers to perform on your call-to-action?
Outline the strategies on which you’ll rely to get people to drop what they’re doing, or keep at the quest in which they embarked, by taking action on your offer. Whether that means a phone call, an email, a chatbox, actually hitting purchase, message you, clicking on a banner, or buying all the way to the end...whatever it is! Give your strategies careful thought based on your research.
A perfect question to be asking yourself is: Why would these customers come to me and not my competition?
We have a competitor analysis template to assist if you’ve never gone into this kind of study. Take a look at it as it might shed some light on your current competition research needs.
So far, we talked about you being the one giving customers the information they need. Yet, we also need to include customer feedback and their reviews as a crucial part of creating engagement.
Your client testimonials are essential to your business. They’re quite useful in creating an excellent first impression on your new visitors. They’re also how you can earn trust while also clearing any skepticism.
We all know that referrals and word of mouth are a great entry point for any consumer. And prior customer testimonials work well in establishing that for a new potential client.
Let them say in their own words why your underlying magic is just that. What good or use your business is to the people you’re marketing comes straight out of their experience and in their terms when you let them give feedback. And those are messages that others are willing to scan to feel assured about doing business with you. So include customer testimonials as much as possible.
And if you haven’t yet gotten any from a client per se, you can draft some and bluntly ask for them. Throw in something if you can and if you’re willing. It’s okay to consider you’ll need to fish for your reviews at the beginning. Or look for trustworthy people who can vouch for you in some ways. There are tons of ways to do this trick.
Whatever you decided to do with your pitch website, make sure you’re doing robust testing on its performance. Track views and visits, set up different funnels, do some AB testing, engage in trials with your ads, and several campaigns...all of that!
There’s so much you can be doing in terms of measuring your audience that please don’t think your pitch website being out in the world is a finished and successful process.
You need to keep updating it. And don’t just update it for the sake of doing so periodically. Make sure you keep your site in a way that suits what could be working much better.
Run your tests, study your results, then update your text, graphics, visuals, funnels, the strategies...whatever it takes to improve what needs a solution! Improvement for the sake of it is no smart game, either.
Any pitch design agency or service might be able to quote a pitch website design for you. Bear that in mind if all this gets way too out of your league to do on your own.
And, if you do (especially if you don’t), ask for examples of previously designed pitch websites. Google, if you must, other 1-page websites of its kind. Take a serious look around. And, in doing so, help yourself in figuring out what you like, what works, what strategies others have used that seems to work, for example. Though that’s no guarantee of the background state of things, you can also ask around!
More businesses are going for the pitch website option to put their business offer out there. Take a brief look into why before you insert yourself as one more option in the virtual world.
This is a functional model you can use to create your own formulas and project your potential business growth. Instructions on how to use it are on the front page.
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