Common topics for ppt presentation

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Common topics in a presentation design guide

As we seek to summarize and organize information for presentations, presentation guides become the best go-to point. And what’s their commonality? To make presentation design more effective, we’ll establish the differences between one type of presentation and discuss what good PowerPoint design is. Here are common topics in a presentation design guide to help your business presentations thrive. 

It’s an easy “make it or fail” kind of design.

And it’s funny we should speak of a slide being successful, isn’t it? Yet, that’s literally how it works. One of the main principles of the different types of presentations is how we could potentially separate all decks from those that have achieved the goal due to which they were created and those that didn’t. 

Beyond success or its losing contrary, presentation material can be created for many reasons. 

What are the different types of presentations?

From academics, which encompasses from kindergarten to high school, college, and university settings, to other types of educational kinds, slides to any presentation can vary immensely. These can also differ just within a common background. In entrepreneurship, the range can go from sales to marketing reports, accounting quarterly meetings, a financial model report, and tons more! 

In essence, presentations vary depending on the industry to which they belong or their audience and target. They also do so based on the goal each deck bears. And there are many other factors! 

If we’re looking at a presentation at a branding and design summit, for instance, what level of design could we imagine that deck needs to showcase? Implicit in our surroundings are also different levels of code to which we commonly wish to adhere to win an audience over.

Think of investor meetings, for example. As Forbes reports, the financials slide will need to excel if included in a pitch deck.  

There are also webinar presentations to consider. 

Include here any topic for which anyone would need a visual aid to speak. These are all slides used as a much-needed accompaniment or projection whenever someone delivers a speech in front of a live or virtual audience. 

How to deliver an impactful presentation

This might be the question every single TED Speaker is great at answering, you know? That’s, in the end, what great presenters have; the gift of delivering presentations that make an impact. 

Yet, that’s highly trainable, also. There are common topics in every presentation design guide, with the magic formulas that make up efficient handling of a slide’s content with great design and a meaningful and relevant storyline for any presentation we deliver. There are recipes to that, and each presentation type calls for its own. 

Image contains a person using a whiteboard

How to make your presentation design more effective

To adhere to the typical expectations of presentations on a particular field or topic, start by researching the norm. Presentations can quickly come with an unspoken code behind them, such as elevator pitches, for example. 

You might have heard many people speak of an elevator pitch or demo day pitch deck, or other specific types of business presentation contents. Yet, have you indeed studied what lies beneath the surface into every single context’s needs? 

Reading up on what makes a pitch deck with examples such as our own or how to build a monthly sales report, if you’re there, or even a go-to-market strategy’s presentation structure, be specific about the expected format, content, and overall presentation guidelines to make your design and overall efforts more effective truly. 

How to summarize (and organize) information for presentations

So, focus on those aids to summarize and organize what you need to put into a set of presentation slides. The best way to put together what you need to present is to 

1. Look at the data

First, start by knowing what needs to go into your whole set of slides. Either because you need guidance on what’s included in a particular field or presentation kind for your upcoming design, or because you know what you’re showcasing in it but just need to list it. Either way (and hopefully, you’ll do both,) take a good look at your data as the first step to summarize and organize your slide content. 

2. Distribute it strategically

Think outside the box. And do so all you’d like. 

Whether you arrange your slides linearly or in loops, whether you start by the ending or begin with a traditional introduction, your entire set of content will be placed in a particular order.

Make that work for you. Use categories if they help. Such a draft should ideally align with your upcoming slide titles, also. It’s all just a way to get to the well-crafted presentation material. 

3. Use templates

They help. A way to spare upon the previous two steps is to look out for successful templates to help you build your case. 

You’ll be saving up on time, as well. And all this will happen as a more commonly structured approach to creating your slides. 

In the case of startup pitch decks, you can even take a pick! There are cases such as the pitch created by Airbnb to raise funds or going after Facebook’s steps for pitching as a starting business. Follow any impressive template you’d like to accelerate your input and come out stronger. 

4. Hire a designer or focus on your design

Otherwise, if it all seems too overwhelming or the pressure in design is high, count on a professional design service or a pitch deck designer, for example, and secure how you'll exceed your goals. 

Either way, you do this, focus on your design. 

If you’re going into sales, slides should appeal to your stakeholders or consumers. They should compel to the point of getting prospects to buy into whatever it is you’re selling or needing from them.

Any company doing business could use above-average branding. Great practice includes branding your slides. Here are a few lines by our Chief Design Officer’s take on Corporate identity: how to bring your brand into your presentations, by the way.

5. Use the correct elements in a slide

Right before we go, another common topic in a presentation design guide has to do with figures and images. In short, use every particular element or design resource to nurture your primary objective. 

The decision on a pie chart over a bar one, for example, should lie in what helps present relevant pieces of information optimally. Likewise, editing judgment is not just about how good, or bad slides look. And whether we use an icon or a text box should be answered by the ultimate presentation goal. So, exercise significant judgment in slide design, or seek someone who masters it to help you out.

We hope this has been able to help. Send your questions our way, every time. 

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