Best slide deck templates and examples

Best slide deck templates and examples - image contains a man working on a desk

Crafting the best business presentation is as important as giving the best academic presentation out there. We know how helpful it can be to find your best template slides in a single place. So, we put together a list of our best slide deck templates and examples divided by 5 categories:

Startup pitch decks

Business slides

Sales presentations

Marketing decks

Academic templates

And, in case a few definitions on slide decks could help, we'll also cover a few basic questions on PowerPoint slide decks. Throw pitch deck terminology in there and the different types of presentations that exist along with how to quickly build a slide deck. Stay with us for all this.  

What is a slide deck?

A PowerPoint slide deck refers to a set of slides put together in the same presentation. It's typically meant for business as the term pitch deck is commonly used to refer to a startup pitch deck. In it, each slide serves a specific purpose. 

Yet, in the end, a PowerPoint slide deck is an aid we use to present. It's material that helps speakers remember the crucial points they need to make. And they're also a resource to keep an audience engaged while someone is presenting. 

Slide decks are particularly useful to emphasize information speakers want an audience to remember. In business, highlights of this nature help anything entrepreneurs wish to convey on a startup or business. These kinds of presentations are distinctly helpful to make convincing points. 

Where does "slide deck" come from?

We know that the term "slide deck" comes from somewhat old technology. Think of times when slide projectors had to face a wall. Slides piled up as cards for those machines to work, just like a deck of cards! That's where we get the name pitch deck for business presentations.

Silicon Valley, especially, can be sensed as the birthplace of the term we now use to talk about a business pitch deck presentation. 

What types of presentations can we give?

Even though we focused on a pitch deck's business side, presentations can be of many different kinds. What matters is the presenter's ultimate goal. Based on that, we can craft a whole deck to achieve that primary goal beautifully. 

Coming up, we'll go over the different presentation types that exist. 

Presentation types

As you can see so far, presentations are mostly based on what speakers want to get out of an audience. The type of presentation we give depends on why we go up on stage or deliver a presentation via Zoom or otherwise. Here's a list of those. 

1. Educational: This type of presentation informs an audience about something.

2. Persuasive: Used to persuade an audience to be on your side of a topic.

3. Introductory: To give out the necessary information on something. For example, a company.

4. Decision-driven: The goal is to provide an audience with a recommendation.

How to quickly build a slide deck 

The most efficient way to build a great slide deck is by using a template. Save tons of work and forget about designing a slide from scratch. Also, make sure you don't miss any crucial parts of a slide deck presentation. 

We've got a wide range of templates based on successful startup pitch decks that can undoubtedly help you get started and quickly create a fantastic slide deck.

Slide deck examples and templates

Pitch Decks:

Airbnb pitch deck

Airbnb's original pitch deck from 2009 has become one of the most sought-after references for new entrepreneurs. It was one of the first pitch decks from unicorn companies to be released publicly. It certainly got a lot of media attention.

Image show one of the best slide deck templates and examples from Airbnb
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Uber pitch deck

Nine years after founding Uber, Garret Camp (co-founder) shared the pitch via Medium. We took the liberty of redesigning (using our AI button) the original Uber pitch deck to make it look better. As we know, Uber became a big name. And their pitch deck had become a significant reference for anyone building a startup.

Uber slide deck template example
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Elevator pitch deck

Our elevator pitch deck template lets you simply explain your business concept to prospective clients and investors. It could help you secure investment or new business opportunities.

best slide deck templates, image of an elevator pitch example
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Investor deck template

An investor deck is usually a 10-20 slide presentation designed to give a short summary of your company, your business plan, and your startup vision. Similar to a pitch deck, this is a document you often send potential investors.  

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Cannabis Slide Deck Template

Our Cannabis Investor Deck, influenced by CannaBusinessPlans, is your ticket to securing vital investment for your budding cannabis business. This dynamic presentation not only impresses investors but also serves as your roadmap, guiding your business through the intricacies of the industry. Showcasing market understanding and growth potential, this pitch ensures you secure the funds needed to turn your cannabis vision into reality.

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Business slide deck templates

Company Profile template

A company profile template is a marketing tool that showcases your brand's products, services, and activities. A powerful company profile template presentation should be more than just a brochure. It vibrantly showcases your business and engages with stakeholders about your company's offerings and unique qualities.

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Business Plan template

This presentation template is a business plan template in the form of a slide deck. There's some disambiguation about what a business plan is, when it's needed, and how long it should be. But we'll try to clarify some of these questions in this article.

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Business Proposal template

Business proposals may be delivered in many ways, from a classic text or PDF document to a crafted, (hopefully) well-designed presentation. We often recommend sending them in the form of a slide deck (using this Business Proposal Template as a guide).

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Case Study template

A case study is a type of research to better understand a particular problem. It mostly focuses on strategies and refers to a specific person, an action, a company, or an event. Here's our case study PPT template to use online or download to PDF.

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Professional Profile template

Like creating a cover letter or writing a perfect resume, the essential element to writing a professional profile is discipline. You're bound to succeed in presenting an admirable professional profile if you abide by very detailed steps to writing a professional profile template.

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Sales slide deck templates

Sales Pitch Deck 

We've designed a stunning and straight-forward sales pitch deck template. This presentation is critical to accelerating your sales process.

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Sales Report template

This is a sales team meeting template based on weekly updates from our sales department.

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Zuora Sales deck template

Our sales deck template should help you considerably in your sales efforts. With it, you will be able to organize all ideas and present them in a way that clearly establishes the benefits of the products and/or services.

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Sales plan template

Our sales plan template will help establish your team's strategy to achieve your sales goals.

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Services proposal template

To impress a marketing services client, it's essential to have a visual aid and support your strategy. It can be a crucial step to begin a successful client relationship that will lead to much more business. The services proposal template is the guideline you need to present a robust strategy that will land you a deal.

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Marketing slide deck templates 

Digital marketing proposal template

As you prepare a digital marketing plan, it'll help to know everything expected out of one. To assist, we've formatted the basics around those in steps to create a digital marketing proposal that attracts new clients.

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Marketing plan template

A Marketing Template will become a go-to document during the most critical stages of your company. It will help you to coordinate your efforts and your ideas to achieve your company's growth goals.

Check out this beautifully designed Marketing Plan template and start thinking about what's next for you and your team.

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Go-to-market strategy template

Our go-to-market strategy template gives you the tools to succinctly and clearly summarize the strategy during a presentation.

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Marketing strategy plan presentation template

Our marketing strategy slide deck can be easily adapted to all sorts of sectors and markets. It can be used for almost any type of organization. 

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Social media report template

Suppose you're looking to create a high quality and efficient social media report. In that case, our unique social media report template can help. Make the best analytics report to showcase your results.

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Academic slide templates

Research plan template

Formulating a research plan is necessary to set the foundations for a research process. We can conceive it as a roadmap that helps you align your vision with your aspirations. 

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Master thesis presentation template

We've created this 16 slide university thesis presentation template that's sure to grab your professor's attention. 

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Resume presentation template

Recruiters spend, on average, 5-7 seconds looking at a resume. If you don't want your resume to end up in the trash folder, think outside the box.

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Research proposal template

A research proposal presentation encourages you to pare down your written proposal into a clear and concise summary of your project. Using a research proposal template can also help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your message makes it across effectively.

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Best slide deck templates and examples

And here you have it! These are the best slide deck templates and examples. 

This is a list of great templates and examples based on successful startup pitch decks. We covered business template examples, sales presentations, and marketing decks. We hope you found it useful!

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