The Best 35 Pitch Decks for 2023: Templates for for Startups

35 best pitch deck templates for startups

As a founder, crafting an effective pitch deck can be tricky. 

We have put together a simple list of the 35 best pitch deck templates for startups in a single spot for you to use. 

Check out some of the successful startup pitch deck samples and get tips on how to structure your pitch, what to include, and how to make your presentation stand out. With these examples in hand, you're sure to create a deck that will wow potential investors!

35 Best Free Pitch Deck templates for 2023

  1. Lunchclub
  2. Include
  3. K-Zen
  4. Evervault
  5. AceUp
  6. Peloton
  7. Ratan Tata
  8. Startup
  9. Buzzfeed
  10. Dwolla
  11. Vettery
  12. Foursquare
  13. Tinder
  14. Yelp
  15. Linkedin
  16. Youtube
  17. WeWork
  18. YCombinator
  19. Uber
  20. Snapchat
  21. Slidebean
  22. Sequoia Capital
  23. Mixpanel
  24. Investor Update
  25. Investment Proposal
  26. Facebook
  27. Elevator Pitch
  28. Cannabis Investor 
  29. Buffer
  30. Airbnb
  31. 500 Startups
  32. 3 Minute Pitch Deck
  33. Investor Deck
  34. Guy Kawasaki
  35. Intercom

1. Lunchclub

Lunchclub focuses on making professional connections for 1:1 lunch or coffee meetings. This startup has made user goals and interests the root of match-making criteria for business relations. And this deck, which we’ve now re-designed, was the one that helped them raise millions. 

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2. Include

Can you picture a startup that focuses on benches? Well, the Croatian startup, Include, Ltd., has managed to raise capital with this winning pitch deck for just that. 

Focused on smart benches, this hardware company has already built over a thousand places on which people can sit across “260 cities and municipalities across six continents.” 

We’ve also worked our magic re-designing this one. And you’re welcome!

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3. K-Zen

How does a cannabis beverage sound? For K-Zen, cannabis infusions are at the heart of their business. With THC and CBD dosages on the low side, this startup aims to be “a leader in the cannabis beverage space by delivering products that are delicious, reliable, and safe.” Here’s another pitch deck we’ve re-designed for you, as well. 

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4. Evervault

Evervault’s tag line reads clearly on their website: “Data privacy made simple.” 

This startup’s line of business is integrating “data privacy into your application using our simple developer tools.” And we’ve made a few design adjustments to the pitch deck that has let them raise money. Check it out!

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5. AceUp

AceUp focuses on the workforce by delivering “individualized professional coaching to connect employees at all levels of the organization with their full potential, through a tech-enabled framework that is impactful, scalable, and measurable.” Talk about making good use of measures for scaling, right? Well, they raised a good set of millions with their pitch deck, but we’ve now done our design job to revamp it. And you can use it here for free now. 

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6. Peloton

All the cardio lovers will enjoy knowing there’s a bike ride tied to a web system that connects users with trainers from the comfort of their home. Pelotón is using tech to enhance workouts and fitness, which is why we’ve re-designed the deck that got them through their funding rounds. 

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7. Ratan Tata

Alas, the pitch structure recommended by the industrialist and chairman emeritus of Tata Sons, Ratan Tata. With useful tips and content spread over 16 slides, you can make the best of an experienced investor’s content with Slidebean’s re-design for a compelling pitch deck template as a whole. 

Image contains a Ratan tata pitch deck
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8. Startup

Just like our CEO explains over a video, this template helps you define How to Write a Killer Startup Pitch Deck. Make the best of our definitions per slide; we have added a brief set of those to accompany this deck. 

We also have tons of resources that can help you craft a startup pitch deck that will make your funding rounds a much more successful experience. 

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9. Buzzfeed

Can you imagine a pitch for a social news and entertainment website such as Buzzfeed? Well, here it is! And we’ve also analyzed their slides over a thorough article before in case you’re interested in reading further. 

For now, it might help to know this deck helped them double on their previous round, for a $50 million raise from Andreessen Horowitz that has taken the company’s website to over $850 million in value. 

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10. Dwolla

Programmable payments are the juice behind this ACH payment startup called Dwolla. In their words, this startup’s “mission is to build the ideal platform to move money.” And talking about money, this is the startup pitch deck that helped them raise their own. 

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Related read: Pitch Deck examples from successful startups

11. Vettery

Tying job seekers to employers, Vettery focuses on jobs in tech, sales, and finance. This deck we now present to you helped them during the startup’s Series A. In the co-founders’ words, “We founded Vettery with the mission to provide a more transparent recruiting process for everyone involved and to help make meaningful matches between hiring managers and job-seekers.” Check their deck out and see it for yourself!

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12. Foursquare

The company’s branding points to a startup on location data and intelligence. And their technology platform is, in their words, “dedicated to improving how people move through the real world.” 

Foursquare’s pitch deck here is the first one they used to take in front of investors back in 2009. 

And it seems their targeted customers range from marketers to developers while also servicing the ordinary explorer who seeks places to eat, watch a show or do something. We hope you find this useful!

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13. Tinder

Almost everyone has a grip on Tinder basics, don’t you think? You put a pic into the app, wait for a match, decide whether or not to chat, and venture on a date. It’s inevitable how this app has revolutionized the way we understand and go about dating. 

And it all started with this deck we now provide you, which the startup used back when they participated in the IAC Hatch Labs Incubator in 2012. Click on the name to take a look!

Image reads match box by tinder

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14. Yelp

It used to be you’d go on Yelp to check out customer reviews to a restaurant or business. But now Yelp has incorporated so much more! From plumbing to different home services and food delivery, Yelp’s search bar is open to many result options. 

Here’s a take on their pitch deck from quarter 4 2015. 

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15. Linkedin

Reid Hoffman, the man who pitched LinkedIn’s series B funding round to Greylock, used this famous deck to get his startup to the giant professional network this website is today. 

We’ve written about Reid’s pitch deck structure before. And this reading is quite the companion if you plan on using the LinkedIn pitch deck template we now present to you. 

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16. Youtube

This multinational video channel website needs no introduction. Still, YouTube used this pitch deck to raise $3.5 million back in 2015 successfully. The NYC-based startup only needed ten simple slides to get the funding trick done. Check their deck out to see how they did it!

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17. WeWork

Though we’ve moved WeWork as a company to our Startup forensics now, it is undeniable how this shared physical space type of company started well off with total funding over a billion and a valuation of ten times that at a given point. Their social community startup achieved a quick 7 figure acquisition and then moved on to raise “$15MM in the company for a reported 33% stake,” which we outline in a recommended read titled Is WeWork dead? | Startup Forensics: the downfall of Adam Neumann

What happened? Read it from our CEO to learn more. In the meantime, WeWork’s pitch deck is still as successful as anyone’s for that matter. It got the trick done!

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18. YCombinator

The truth here is we couldn’t publish YCombinator’s pitch deck as they presented it. In an attempt to battle the blank template versus going overboard with pitch deck design, this seed funding platform for startups might have gone a bit too far in our taste with blank slides. 

So we’ve revamped the deck for you in this case, as well, although a bit more urgently than in other scenarios, we admit. The idea is for you to be able to follow YCombinator’s proposed pitch deck structure with a much fresher look. Let us know how it goes!

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19. Uber

With Uber being so famous nowadays, you can imagine how popular their original pitch deck is. It’s especially attractive amongst new entrepreneurs who’re looking to build a startup. Uber shared this deck less than a decade after founding the company. It follows the most traditional order of slides to which most accelerator programs and rising startups resort. 

And just in case the company’s expansion hadn’t been entirely visual to you up to this point, let’s share a bit of what Uber showcases on their website: 

“In addition to giving riders a way to get from point A to point B, we’re working to bring the future closer with self-driving technology and urban air transport, helping people order food quickly and affordably, removing barriers to healthcare, creating new freight-booking solutions, and helping companies provide a seamless employee travel experience.”

Their apparent strategy here makes you think about new market expansion, a diverse product offering, and client segments, doesn’t it? 

Here’s a video version by Caya on the pitch deck Uber used to raise funding, as well, in case you’re primarily visual.

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20. Snapchat

Snapchat’s target users are most probably on a different age bracket than many of you reading this, which doesn’t take away a single bit of the popularity that has gotten this messaging app startup to their $33B valuation at IPO, during which they raised $3.4B. Here’s the pitch deck that helped them get started. 

For those not up to the news, the photo messaging app we call SnapChat is just another product by what got renamed from Snapchat Inc. to only Snap. More than a messenger, Snap is a privately owned multinational camera company that has long released video-sharing sunglasses called Spectacles. They call themselves “a camera company.” 

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21. Slidebean

How could we not be in love with the pitch deck that got us to raise funds back in 2016? And sharing is caring. So here’s our original pitch deck at your disposal. 

Just in case, Caya has also written out of experience on how to get seed funding: getting your startup off the ground, as well as knowing how to raise money for a business: startup funding, find investors, and prepare for investor meetings. Read further to learn more! And, in the meantime, we hope our bank of templates can help your funding rounds to the max. 

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22. Sequoia Capital

As an American VC firm, Sequoia Capital knows first-hand how an investment works, and thus created a pitch deck aimed at helping companies pitch to investors. Known to focus on tech, Sequoia has backed a large number of startups, including Apple. 

As posted on their website, they “have partnered early and at every stage of growth with the founders of companies that now have an aggregate, public market value of over $3.3 trillion.” Their trajectory goes back to 1972, which is way before pitch decks even became a business trend. Give yourself the treat of taking a look at a pitch deck by leading investors. 

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23. Mixpanel

Used to raise $65M, Mixpanel’s pitch deck comes from a startup that has managed to raise five successful rounds of investment, including backing from our previously mentioned Sequoia Capital firm. Their last Series was a B round that closed on Dec 2014 with $65M down from Andreessen Horowitz. Furthermore, Mixpanel’s post-money valuation ranges from $500M to $1B, according to PrivCo. 

And what’s the company’s promise? Focused on advanced analytics for mobile & web services, the startup stands by “valuable customers insights to make smarter decisions and act faster based on how customers use your product or website with Mixpanel.”

To give you more actionable lessons, we tore the entire pitch deck down to work on Mixpanel slides’ Do’s and Don’ts.

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24. Investor Update

With a summary of a startup’s KPIs as its primary focus, this template will allow you to plow through your investor update much quicker. 

Use it as a guide to follow a logical sequence that you can turn into a coherent story. Make it easy for you and your investors to get everyone up to speed on progress! And easy never meant ugly! 

With our AI-powered design tool, you’ll have a compelling update in reduced time with enhanced efficiency! Try it out and let us know what you think!

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25. Investment Proposal

We have NextView Ventures to thank for this one. As they invest in the everyday economy, they’ve outlined vital info and metrics any investor will want to see. 

They’ve spread this out over 15 slides in a rather traditional pitch deck, but these also include an FAQ slide followed by enough metric and graph slides before we get to your startup’s financials.  

Work on the opening hook with this one and wrap it up with an exit comparison to leave investors thinking of your startup as their next funding option. 

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26. Facebook

What more can we say about Zuckerberg’s $110 million per day earnings over Facebook? 

Well, when he was just one more guy trying to get investors to believe in his startup, this is the pitch deck that got him funding. 

Maybe you’ve seen it in detail over the film, but the more accurate version of real-life facts is that this pitch deck was full of data on user engagement, growth metrics, and other details that deviated from traction as measured by revenue, which the company didn’t yet have. 

The co-founders hadn’t wholly defined their business model by the time this pitch deck saw the light. But here we are, a whopping $69.6 billion net worth later to Zuckerberg’s name just as of the end of last year. 

Take a peek if you haven’t already! We’re sure you’ll find something to take away from it. 

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27. Elevator Pitch

As we defined in our tips and examples as to how to create an elevator pitch, “Your elevator pitch is the story of you, in under sixty seconds. You have a limited amount of time to convey the kernel of who you are, what you want, and where you want to go.” 

This elevator pitch deck template is suited to help you achieve that. Done simply, but right, you’ll be able to summarize your startup info through this deck very quickly. What’s best is that we’ve made sure not to leave any essentials on your company out of it so potential investors and clients can get all they need for you in the format they’ve requested - or the one you need. 

Also, embed this deck to your website for maximum profitability of it. Doing so will help any online visitors get a quick and informed glance at your company on their own. 

If you’re interested in a 12 min video explanation on elevator pitches, take a look at our CEO’s video version of how to write an elevator pitch with examples (Airbnb, WeWork, Slack.)

image contains an elevator pitch
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28. Cannabis Investor 

If CBD or THC are part of your startup business formula, make sure to give our cannabis investor pitch deck a go for added structure and guidance on how to best pitch your idea to potential investors. CannaBusinessPlans deck has inspired this template. And we’ve secured it for you here to help you raise money. 

To make the best of startup resources available to you, we’ve also worked hard at giving you six things you need to know before you consider a cannabis startup, in case you’d like to take a look. We hope you can make the best of it!

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29. Buffer

We had to get our hands involved in this one with a re-design. Other than that, this exact presentation got a social media management platform, Buffer, a successful round of $500,000. Aimed at “Simpler social media tools for authentic engagement,” this startup’s goal is for users to tell their “brand’s story and grow [their] audience with publishing, analytics, and engagement platform [they] can trust.” 

We’re not making a penny out of this recommendation, and you can try it out for 14 days for free if you’d like to dig deeper into their workings. Otherwise, just download or open up this startup template. You’ll find they make effective use of quotes, questions, and other data throughout their pitch deck. 

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30. Airbnb

How popular this one is! Airbnb’s pitch deck is one of the templates we know entrepreneurs look for the most! It’s most probably related to how smart the startup put already-existing elements together to revolutionize an industry! And they presented it so slickly, too! 

On top of that, this is one of the first decks a unicorn put out in public, which stirred media coverage considerably. And we’re still reaping on its effects day in and day out. 

Take a look at this template, at the very least, though we’d probably guess you’ll feel inclined to base your startup pitch deck on it, as well. The advantage of the Airbnb pitch deck we present here at Slidebean is how we took a bit of that early 2000’s look out of it and powered it with contemporary AI design. 

Our CEO has also made a video version of the Airbnb Pitch Deck that raised $500K in 2009, in case you’d like to watch and listen rather than read here.

Image contains an airbnb pitch deck
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31. 500 Startups

As alumni to 500 startups, we couldn’t leave out a chance to pay our way forward for other startups to get into 500. We thus took the guide “Pitch Perfect: How to Make a Standout Pitch Deck for 500 Startups,” which used to be published at 500’s website and produced the template you now have here. 

Adhered correctly to their expectations, we hope you can help your business impression with this pre-set template. 

We’ve also made our account as to how 500 Startups saved our company by forcing us to pivot publicly available to you, and our CEO has clarified how we got into 500 Startups before, too, just in case you’re up for that learning. 

Either way, we wish you the best of luck with your application!

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32. 3 Minute Pitch Deck

Touching upon accelerator programs, let’s go over this resource that can come in very handy for demo day and going live on-stage elsewhere. And, if we’ve learned one thing about pitches, it’s that you can always do better. Maybe go about it differently, getting feedback, with non-stop practice, and by continually adding to your pitch deck. 

This 3-minute pitch is even a great exercise to help your concision and defining the absolute essentials to your business’ presentations. With this pitch deck template, you cut down to basics for a 3-minute pitch deck delivery. Talk about cranking the elevator pitch deck example up a notch, right? 

You’d probably also think a 3-minute pitch deck template would be as short as a handful of slides. But take a look at it to see how the effort truly lies in covering your somewhat extensive amount of slides in the most effective use of 3 minutes. 

Up for the challenge? The least you could do is give it a try!

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33. Investor Deck

All this talk about investors and pitch decks could not possibly go without an investor deck mention. So here it is for you, our investor deck! 

Use it to pitch to VCs and angel investors, ideally. 

Not too far from the 500 startups deck that we presented above, the positive side of that is that it contains everything you need after validation by a reputable accelerator program such as 500’s. We drafted it fresh out of a meeting we had with the advising team in that program!

So dig in, and remember to top it with a compelling story to tell. For that, we’ve made 5 Tips to Improve Pitch Deck Storytelling available, as well. 

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34. Guy Kawasaki

It’s unlikely you’ll have gotten this far in the startup business without hearing about Guy Kawasaki’s ten slides

Though he takes the 10-20-30 rules out of PowerPoint’s hands and makes of it his own ten slides, 20 min, 30 point font reference, it’s hard to debate how much of a leading thinker Kawasaki is as an investor, theorist, and entrepreneur. He’s moreover a speaker, author, and evangelist, according to the linked website, but that’s only all the more reason why we added his name to the list of three pitch deck theorists you don’t want to miss

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35. Intercom

As a customer messaging platform, Intercom publicly announces its aim to drive growth across a customer’s entire life cycle. Though a bit questionable on the content side, the startup’s mission “is to make business personal again,” and they rely on precision for scaling while they work hard at allowing customers to move deals through funnels in the most agile way possible. 

For us, as a company, Intercom has been a valuable tool for our success. So we vouch by it on the practical side. 

This last pitch deck we present here made it public after the company settled its Series C with $50MM raised in 2011. Yet, the slides in it worked to get Intercom their first $600K convertible note. We’ve, of course, found it inevitable to add a bit of our touch to it to make it better on the visual side. 

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A wrap on the best 35

That’s it! These are 35 of the best pitch deck templates for startups we have to offer. We must clarify these are not all the templates we have at your disposal. Though we tend to focus on the most successful startup templates, we’ve also made an enormous library of presentation templates available for you right here at Slidebean. 

And, if none of these truly nails your need, rest assured our team will love to help out with our pitch deck design services if you ever need a hand. 

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